Author: petersoc

Do please write in

2024, then. 40 years since PJ Proby’s version of Love Will Tear Us Apart. 35 years since the last prosecution under the Obscene Publications Act. Oh, Manchester… Anyway, Britain having trouble with its creative industries? Forwhy? Well, the biggest problem, I think, is our attitude. Uh-huh. If any creative business out there has an idea…

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Too too much

Another year. Will creativity still be doing big numbers in 2022? Well, ‘Unboxed’ (not the Festival of Brexit, oh thou cynic) promises a groundbreaking celebration of all our creativity taking place across the UK Which is nice. Elsewhere in ’22 news, I hope to be supervising a PhD study of ‘The Bluecoat, Liverpool and social…

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An(nual) Post

Time for my annual creative post. Last time, I had written a book. This time, some people have read it. They say: “Much to admire”, “fascinating – if at times uncomfortable”, “useful, if excoriating”, “a pithy overview”, “accessible and fair-minded”. Lovely stuff.

Taste is in the kidneys

As I persist with creativity, a reminder of the embodiment of cultural appreciation: A woman claims to have undergone a complete “personality transplant” after receiving a new kidney. Cheryl Johnson, 37, says she has changed completely since receiving the organ in May. […] Dostoevsky has become her author of choice since the transplant. Aha.

Art and branding and branding and art

Brand Adidas co-opts brand Art Basel; Brand Art Basel returns fire: [Adidas] has been unjustly enriched through its unauthorized infringement of the ART BASEL mark [. ART BASEL is] suffering irreparable and indivisible injury and harm as a result of [Adidas’] unauthorized and wrongful use of the ART BASEL mark More at The Fashion Law.