Author: petersoc

Panem absque Circenses

How can we reverse the fortune of the abandoned industrial centre? Wayne Hemingway on the value of creativity: To some it might seem misguided to use creativity as a tool for social change. But when we really think hard about the history and current challenges of these post-industrial places, it’s absolutely the right approach. Each [Creative…

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No art for oil

In 2002, Chin-Tao Wu wrote, Since 1990, the regular rehanging of the Tate Gallery collection […] has been sponsored by BP. For around £150,000 a year, a sum which can buy only two-and-a-half minutes’ commercial advertising on prime-time television in 1990, the BP logo appears all year round on the Tate’s large banners advertising the…

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Your brain is not a computer.

How do contemporary technologies shape our understanding of ourselves? By the 1500s, automata powered by springs and gears had been devised, eventually inspiring leading thinkers such as René Descartes to assert that humans are complex machines. In the 1600s, the British philosopher Thomas Hobbes suggested that thinking arose from small mechanical motions in the brain.…

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Mickey Mouse – Countdown to 2023

Every time Disney’s copyright on Mickey Mouse is about to expire, the law magically changes. Mickey’s expiration date has been nudged forward from 1984 to 2003 to 2023 – a copyright term of 95 years. Will copyright last for over a century by the time Mickey’s next deadline arrives? More at Priceonomics.