Is the ‘Sleeping Drunks Billboard’ campaign and the associated #Nomisugi tag [banal] racist exploitation […] pandering to Euro-American fantasies? It is according to dex digital. More at
Is the ‘Sleeping Drunks Billboard’ campaign and the associated #Nomisugi tag [banal] racist exploitation […] pandering to Euro-American fantasies? It is according to dex digital. More at
August 11th, 1881: foundations laid for 237ft high San Jose Electric Light Tower. January 28th, 1887: foundations laid for 1,063ft high Eiffel tower. Was this a case of copyright infringement? for a brief and literally shining moment early in the days of human-harnessed electricity, the future of municipal lighting was glowing orbs suspended high above…
When London’s first coffehouse opened in the middle of the 17th century, advice was available: THE Grain or Berry called Coffee, groweth upon little Trees only in the Deserts of Arabia […] The quality of this Drink is cold and Dry, and though it be a Dryer, yet it neither heats, nor inflames more then…
Confidential internal Google and Apple memos […] clearly show that what began as a secret cartel agreement between Apple’s Steve Jobs and Google’s Eric Schmidt to illegally fix the labor market for hi-tech workers, expanded within a few years to include companies ranging from Dell, IBM, eBay and Microsoft, to Comcast, Clear Channel, Dreamworks, and London-based…
Looking for more ideas after Jilian Mayer’s ‘How to Hide From Cameras’ make-up tutorial? CV Dazzle explores how fashion can be used as camouflage from face-detection technology, the first step in automated face recognition. ‘Look book’ at, together with a visualization of OpenCV Face Detection.
Crisis Magazine reports on the unusual results that may occur when re-examining skeletons dug up a century ago in York: Upper-crust Africans living in a dismal Imperial backwater like 4th century Britannia? That’s odd More here, and yet more on the ‘Ivory Bangle Lady’ at The Independent, and Yorkshire Museum.
How original is Orwell’s 1984? We is set in a dystopian society, where our protagonist is introduced to Freedom by the local Manic Pixie Dream Girl. Both are eventually caught and everything returns, more or less, to how it was. Sound familliar? The plot to 1984 seems to have been lifted, almost entirely it seems,…
The voice of Poverty, in Aristophanes’ Plutus (408 BC): Look at the orators in our republics; as long as they are poor, both state and people can only praise their uprightness; but once they are fattened on the public funds, they conceive a hatred for justice, plan intrigues against the people and attack the democracy.…
Who are you really shopping for this holiday season? It’s ok, you can admit it, if you’ve bought an item or two – or ten – for yourself. More at Team Coco.
At The Public Domain Review, Nicholas Jeeves considers the role of the smile in portraiture, touching on the 18th century Rules of Christian Decorum and Civility and its advice on smiling so as to show the teeth: This is entirely contradictory to decorum, which forbids you to allow your teeth to be uncovered, since nature…